Material Design in L release of Android.

Google IO began with the short video compilation with the theme “Every little bit matters”. Sundar Pichai took the stage and the keynote began with the statistics about android devices and some interesting stats about number of selfies taken daily, number of steps taken daily. It’s no surprise that Google knows it all but the numbers are amazing, 93M selfies taken daily with android devices is some interesting figure. 

As expected by most of us the latest release of the most widely used mobile operating system was one of the interesting topics presented at the keynote. Android 'L' developer preview comes with better design, better notification system and the Project Volta for better battery life along with many other features that make it the biggest Android release in the history of Android. 

The most most noticeable feature of the new release seems to be the new Android design. The new concept of design applicable for web as well as mobile comes with the concept of pixels having depth instead of colors. Unlike holo design which have been quite popular in android devices since 4.0 release, Material Design is lighter but less translucent as compared to iOS design. Shadows and elevations of the ui elements make it feel more like the real world interaction. Round icons and bright colors gives it more material feel. Rich and animated feedback for touch input are other special elements of this design.

With Polymer similar material design can also be achieved in web application, making web and mobile computing feel similar. Material design in 'L' release makes Android UI feel more useful and real. Android 'L' developer preview will be available for download shortly from Android Developer site..  


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